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Being A Gentlemanly Gentle Man

Being male is not a guarantee that boys are or will grow into gentlemen. Society or cultural exposure plays a minute role in developing gentlemen while parents also invest in the academic, health, religious and artistic talents or interests with little attention or no thought about what is required to develop their male children into gentlemen. We see young men dress shabbily, urinate and throw rubbish around indiscriminately, use foul words and in severe cases, beating ladies.

A gentleman communicates well, is well groomed and has strong character and values he lives by. Below are a list of some traits that parents and teachers should develop in their young boys and boys, in themselves. Even though it’s a guy’s talk today, girls can pick some few cues for later use.

  • A gentleman is generous with his time, wisdom, and resources (when he has it). He willingly serves others and extends a hand to those in need.

  • A gentleman has a positive outlook to life. He consistently encourages others through his

    humour and wit.

  • A gentleman is a lifelong learner. He maintains a ‘teachable and learnable’ posture and embraces change.

  • A gentleman demonstrates respect, restraint, and personal responsibility in all his interactions. He is honorable, disciplined, values and respects others.

  • A gentleman is well-mannered and knows what is appropriate to say and not to say. He is able to sit through various social and professional settings with ease. He embraces all people – those from diverse cultures, as well as individuals from various social, political and economic backgrounds.

  • A gentleman possesses a strong work ethic. He takes pride in his labour and strives to give his very best. He is trustworthy, loyal, and responsible.

  • A gentleman is confident. His posture and body language show it.

  • A gentleman is well-dressed. He knows how to select clothing that is appropriate for any occasion. He is well-groomed and practices good personal hygiene. He understands that his personal appearance; the way he decides to dress, groom, and carry himself , opens doors to new opportunities for him.

  • A gentleman speaks well and is a good/generous listener. He knows how to choose the right words and communicates them effectively.

  • A gentleman is known for his integrity; as one who sticks to his words. He is a man of his word and follows through with his commitments.


Being a gentleman is an art which is still very relevant today and should not be overlooked; the art should not be taken for granted and must be instilled. Good news is this; it is never too late to acquire it no matter your age.


August 21, 2017

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