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Some people have morning routines which they set consciously for themselves. Others develop them along the line by dint of what job they do or just based on their characters. Some are also family routines that they have continued to live with.

Either way, it is beneficial to have a morning routine that works for you. They may seem to be unimportant in this busy age but rather, it is because of how busy we tend to be that we need to make conscious efforts to have routines that keep us in check – medically, physically, work-wise religiously, socially and academically.

Danny Forest, in his article, “How to Build a Strong Morning Routine: The Essential Guide”, defines a morning routine as “a set of actions you perform in the morning usually before a main activity such as work or school”. For some people, the routines they follow daily sets the tone for a productive day.  If you have a routine you follow- be it morning or evening- that is fine. However, if you do not have one, here are some examples and their benefits to you:


To connect with your religious beliefs, consider a routine of meditation and prayer.


To make sure you are on top of your responsibilities at work, go through your to-do list for the day, arrange meetings where necessary or confirm meetings. Cross-check work tools and materials so as to not forget them at home.


For students, make sure you have your needed materials and assignments. Do a quick revision. Parents should assist their young ones to follow these.


Most people live sedentary lifestyles so a routine that incorporates health consciousness is very needed. A few minutes of skipping, squats or jog, depending on what suits you, is highly recommended. This helps to keep you alive and active throughout the day. Remember to also have a healthy breakfast before start the day. Drink some water too. A daily exercise helps to keep your body fit and your mind calm.



Smile, say hello to people you meet on your way to work, Compliment people, Be tolerant, Send messages to check up on people you have not heard from in a while. These tend to create a healthy atmosphere for you to live in. People usually treat you as you treat them. A good day starts with you.

In addition, you can also create a do list on your phone or diary. This is to help you remember everything you have to do for the day. It is easy to forget things especially when we have a lot to do for the day, therefore, creating a do list will help keep track of your daily activities.



Having a regular morning routine is something many successful people swear by as an effective way of staying on course during the day. However, it is important to point out that morning routines are not for everyone.  There are others who prefer to allow their day flow without any proper sequence.

It also helps you form healthy habits. Once you practice a specific task every day such habits will eventually become second nature to you.  Therefore, if you add positive habits to your morning routine, you stand to gain new good habits.

A morning routine also helps you to plan your day ahead. Putting together a healthy morning routine helps you to plan your day better because it helps to organize your day according to your tasks for the day.

Furthermore, a healthy morning routine provides structure and discipline. It provides structure because your designed plan will dictate when and how certain activities such as waking up, brushing, eating and sleeping should take place.  It also makes you disciplined as it provides the framework within which we leave our lives.

Designing a daily routine also helps us to prioritize daily tasks, hence paying attention to the most important things. Having a daily routine helps you to arrange your day according to the urgency of your daily task.  Rather than deciding on what is important as you go through the day, a daily routine and saves you time

A well planned morning routine is an effective way to keep all aspects of your life on track on a daily basis. It may be difficult to remember the routines if they are new to you. But do not let it deter you from sticking to them. If you have a problem remembering them, you can keep a journal beside your bed; note down your routines with the timings next to them. Others do it differently but with constant practice, you will be able to craft a routine that fits your persona and time.  


December 3, 2019


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