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You Are Only Young Once

You Are Only Young Once

Free advice; Enjoy being young while you are still young! Just enjoy being young as much as possible and don’t miss out on all the fun but you should balance your life with equal amounts of responsibility.

Think about it, the many things you hate to do now or will give up your young life for are the very things you will want to do that you may not get the chance to do. Once you grow up, you can never come back to them. So enjoy them now. Don’t allow your rush to grow blind you from seeing the fun in being child.

As a child, you are pampered; believe it or not. You are spoilt for choice, a thing you begin to lose when you grow .By the time you enter senior high school, you will lose this luxury. Dining hall matrons do not seek your consent before preparing meals. Think about it, your siblings in university are not fed. Their pocket determines what they eat and it’s at this stage people start eating things they will never eat at home with joy. Why not, enjoy them now?

Growing up, I am sure you cannot wait to move out of your parent’s house and be fully independent. Cool, you get to do what you want without interference but what about the times that you want help with certain things? Being independent is fine but no one can be fully self -sufficient and living alone is extremely tough. Apart from being denied total independence, with curfews and do’s and don’ts, you get to keep your savings to yourself, you don’t bother about buying even water. Enjoy it! When you move it, you will buy everything including toilet rolls. You may have the money for it but as they say, beer tastes better when someone else is paying.

Every young person is in a hurry to turn 18 just so they are legal. You can get a driver’s license, drink and get access to certain places. Have you wondered how some adults, who are well past 18 spend time in their couches on Friday nights? No, they are not broke, they have a full tank. They have bottles of beer sitting untouched in their refrigerators and they are not ill. They are just grown up and have a lot to think about that the car, the places they drive past and the bottles of beer in their fridge, go unnoticed.

Growing up is fun, I must admit .It is not bad to earn a living , go out when you want to and just do you. The only down side is, you are on your own. I am sure you just screamed, ‘there is nothing wrong with that! ’. There is no one to hold you when you are down and need direction through life – to show you the way to go based on experience and there is always a time like that in life.

This is why I am telling you to be patient and not be in a hurry to grow up. Enjoy your age while you still have it, because once it is gone, it’s forever. You only live once!

March 7, 2019

1 responses on "You Are Only Young Once"

  1. Right said seekapor – balance your life whilst having fun with some responsibility. Our kids are under too much pressure to excel these days.

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